What is the NDIS?
The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is an insurance scheme which takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life. The Insurance Scheme will allow participants to access the funding they need to get the care and support, based on their goals and aspirations.
The NDIS also provides people with disability, their family and carers with information and referrals to existing support services in the community.
A Participant receiving NDIS will have the control and choice over how and where their supports are provided, and the flexibility to change if the need arises.
How do I register for NDIS funding?
To register for the NDIS you will need to contact the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) direct on 1800 800 110. They will be able to provide you with information on the registration process as well as arrange to send the application out to you.
Does NDIS cover medical appointments?
Unfortunately, NDIS does not cover any services which are covered under the Medicare Scheme. With the relevant referrals you will receive a rebate from Medicare.
Who is responsible for payment of services if my child has NDIS funding?
When your plan is implemented you will be able to discuss your preference for plan management. The three types of plan management through NDIA are:
Agency Managed – NDIS provide payment direct to service providers
Plan Managed – A third party provider is responsible for claiming from your child’s NDIS funding. If you elect this option, you are responsible for sourcing a Plan Management Agency.
Self-Managed – You are responsible for all payment of invoices. You will be able to claim back these funds from NDIS direct.